Big and Small – Matching Objects
Tigers and cookies and grapes, oh, my! In this big and small worksheet children draw a line from the big object to the matching small object and color.
Big and small may seem like pretty simple concepts to us adults, but they are good distinguishing activities for young children. Take a look at our worksheets and decide for yourself! Kids will draw lines matching the big object to the small object or the words “big” and “small”. They can also circle the big objects. Kids can then color the objects or picture. However, you can say, “Color only the big objects.” or “Color only the big fish.”
3 worksheets
CCSS K.CC.C.6 & K.MD.B.3
Please go to this page to see all the sorting worksheets for kindergarten.
Tigers and cookies and grapes, oh, my! In this big and small worksheet children draw a line from the big object to the matching small object and color.
In this big and small worksheet kids draw a line matching the big objects with the word “big” and the small objects with the word “small”. Color.
Take a look at these ocean creatures under the sea! Circle only the the big ocean creatures in this big and small worksheet. Color all the creatures.