Trace Numbers 1-20 Worksheet

Trace Numbers 1-20 Worksheet

Count and trace all the numbers 1-20 on this worksheet. Use as classroom practice for all students, fast finishers, or several times a year for assessment purposes.

Trace Numbers 1-20 Worksheets - Trace the Numbers by 2s

Trace Numbers 1-20 by 2s

Great for your lessons about counting by 2s, kids count by ones from 1-20, then trace only the dashed line numbers. Kids can count by 2s, too!

Trace Numbers 1-20 Worksheets - Trace the Numbers by 5s

Trace Numbers 1-20 by 5s

For your lessons about counting by 5s – Kids count by ones from 1-20, then trace only the dashed line numbers. Kids can count by 5s, too.

Trace Numbers 1-20 Worksheets - Count to 20 Chart

Count to 20 Chart

This Count to 20 chart is a great tool to use in math centers. Copy one for each of your kids to have at their desks to practice counting to 20.