
We have addition worksheets and activities for kindergarten and first grade at this time. All our materials for kindergarten go up to sums of 10. The first grade worksheets are missing addend worksheets for sums of 11-20. Kindergarten starts with adding with pictures and then children move on to adding with numbers. Our flash cards will be a great help. Spend the recommended 10 minutes per day using flash cards and before you know it you’ll be a pro!

Go to this page in our bookstore to look at some books about addition to further complement your lessons.

159 worksheets

CCSS  K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.4, K.OA.5, and 1.OA.6

Go to this page to choose from all of the math resources on this site.

Picture Addition - A Sunny Day

Kindergarten Addition

These kindergarten addition worksheets are the perfect complement to your beginning addition lessons. Your kids will love them because of the fun themes and pictures. You’ll love them because they follow a progression for learning by starting with smaller sums and working up to sums of 10.  Primary writing lines on most pages help guide kids in writing their numbers neatly. The addition flashcards have sums up to 10.

99 resources