Adding 1 – Dolls
Sums to 5. Dolls are center stage in this adding 1 worksheet. Count and add the dolls. Write the addends and the sums neat as can be on the primary writing lines. Color.
These adding 1 worksheets use pictures and numbers to teach the concept of adding one more. The worksheets start with picture worksheets using sums of up to 5 and progress up to sums of 10. Primary writing lines are used to help kids write their numbers neatly. The worksheets with numbers only (no more pictures needed to solve addition problems!) have 10 problems per page using 1 as the first or second addend.
10 worksheets
CCSS K.OA.2 and K.OA.4
Please go to this page to see all the kindergarten addition worksheets in this site.
Sums to 5. Dolls are center stage in this adding 1 worksheet. Count and add the dolls. Write the addends and the sums neat as can be on the primary writing lines. Color.
Sums to 5. This adding 1 worksheet uses pictures of charming pandas for addition practice. Count the pandas and write the addends and the sums on the primary writing lines.
Sums to 7. Score a home run on this add 1 worksheet! Count the baseballs. Hit it out of the park by writing the addends and the correct sums on the lines.
Sums to 7. Yummy donuts with sprinkles grace this add 1 worksheet. Count the donuts and write the addends and the sums on the lines.
Sums to 9. Count the clovers in this add 1 worksheet. Write the addends and the sums up to 9 on the primary writing lines.
Sums to 9. The little pumpkins on this add 1 worksheet come in many different configurations. Count the pumpkins and write the addends on the lines. Then add them up.
Sums to 10. These crazy ants are all lined up in marching formations. Count them, add 1, and in an orderly fashion, neatly write the addends and the sums on the lines.
Sums to 10. Polka dotted lady bugs all lined up in rows look like they are ready for some serious adding in this adding 1 worksheet. Count ’em up and total ’em up!
Sums to 10. For the warmer seasons…sea shells adorn this adding 1 worksheet. No more adding with pictures. Add 1 and write the sums on the lines. Color the sea shells.
Sums to 10. For the colder seasons…snowflakes have fallen onto this adding 1 worksheet! It’s harder to add when the 1 comes first. Write the sums on the lines.
CCSS K.OA.1 and K.OA.4