Letter Tracing – Upper Case A
Letter tracing of upper case A stretches from top to bottom in teepee style fashion. It has a line across to keep those angled lines in place! Have fun with upper case A.
Thanks for coming to my first grade page! I’m busy creating worksheets and activities mainly for kindergarten right now. I’ve got some fun things in mind for first grade though. The language arts materials in this grade level so far include Dolch sight words and Fry high-frequency words flash cards and lists, writing paper, handwriting practice and phonics flash cards. The math worksheets include missing addends, subtraction flash cards, and sorting shapes with two attributes worksheets. You’ll also find lots of telling time worksheets and clocks your kids can make. The clocks are analog and digital and include an iphone so they can be really cool!
Please come back again very soon!
Letter tracing of upper case A stretches from top to bottom in teepee style fashion. It has a line across to keep those angled lines in place! Have fun with upper case A.
Upper case B is almost like tracing bubbles. It looks almost like a double bubble! What else could it be? The toe part of two shoes? Wait! We’re getting off track. Let’s trace the B’s.
Letter tracing can be fun if you associate it with shapes. This upper case C is not the round kind, like a circle, but the more narrow kind, like an oval. Have fun with them!
The nice thing about letter tracing is you get to practice all kinds of lines. Upper case D is no exception because it has a long straight line and a nice big curved line.
Talk about keeping the lines straight and clean – here’s a perfect letter for that! Upper case E has one tall straight line and three perpendicular short lines. Four simple strokes.
This letter tracing page for upper case F shows many F’s standing straight all in a row (actually 7 rows) waiting for your pencil to meet the page and make them come to life!
Well, golly gee, it’s a letter tracing page for upper case G! These G’s are special because you don’t have to draw the little line down on the right side of the G. Trace away!
Handsome upper case H has shown up on this letter tracing page. Trace the H’s 35 times – 5 times on each line. You’ll be a great straight line tracer when you’re done!
Ever get the itch to trace a whole bunch of upper case I’s? Yeah, I never do either! But it certainly sounds like an irresistible idea for kindergardeners or first graders!
I don’t know what it is, but upper case J’s are just happy letters. Maybe they’re just joyous, or joyful, or jolly. Letter tracing just doesn’t get any better than this! Ha ha!
You see them coming, these upper case K’s. They’re rough and tough and ready to kick butt. You better get your assertive on & get ready to tackle them all! All 35 of them! GRRR!!
Now upper case L’s are very lady like so you need to do your letter tracing very tenderly, but firmly. We don’t want to see any letters traced too lightly. You can do it!
Now upper case M is My Man! He’s strong and tall and wanting you to trace him well, giving him all kinds of detailed attention. Two straight lines top to bottom and a V in the middle.
Upper case N is not neutral. He’s either narly or nice. You choose. Are you going to trace insane and difficult N’s or sweet and cooperative N’s? There’s 35 of them either way!
Here is another letter tracing worksheet with an oval shape. Unlike C, G, and Q, this O is the oval of ovals, plain and simple. No open shapes or little added lines. It’s the real deal!
These upper case P’s are perfectly poised. Standing with backs straight and tall, from the top line to the bottom line with the bump fitting just right between the lines!