Fry Word Lists

Fry word lists organize Fry’s 1,000 words into ten smaller, more manageable chunks of 100 words each. You will notice that each list of 100 is divided even further into four columns of 25 word each. Check the list descriptions. They will tell you which grade level is appropriate for each list. For example, the first 100 Fry words can be divided between kindergarten and first grade and several lists are recommended for fourth and fifth grade. These color-coded lists coordinate with our Fry word flash cards and Fry sight word assessment sheets.

10 color-coded lists

CCSS  RF.K.3c, R.F.1.3g, RF.2.3.f, RF.3.3d, RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a

Check out this page for even more Fry word resources.

fry list- the second 100

Fry List – The Second 100

My Fry list - the second 100 comes in green and is geared primarily towards second graders. Most kids of this age can tackle learning 100 high frequency words in a years time.
CCSS RF.2.3.f